Our services

Our evaluators are current in assessment methodology so you are always confident about evaluation outcomes.

Auditing Services

We audit legal folders for students with disabilities to ensure the accuracy of Full and Individual Evaluations, Full and Individual Initial Evaluations and re-evaluations. During the Auditing process we ensure federal and state guidelines are being followed. Written documentation regarding findings is provided per campus or to assessment staff members and recommendations for improvement and training is offered in alignment to any corrective action plan.

Full and Individual Evaluations

The Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) report is arguably the most important element in the Special Education process. It is central to determining eligibility, calculating present levels of academic and functional performance (PLAAFP) and developing the Individualized Education Program. We provide written reports that include an interpretation of each assessment and recommendations that serve as a resource for development of the students Individual Education Plan (IEP). 

Independent Individual Evaluations

A parent has the right to an independent educational evaluation at the public expense if the parent disagrees with an evaluation obtained by the public agency. However, the public agency may initiate a hearing under Reg, 300.506 of this subpart to show that its evaluation is appropriate. An IEE comes into play when the school is evaluating your child for services and for some reason an outside evaluation is needed. If there is belief that the school's evaluation was inadequate (lacks thoroughness) or if  there is belief that a child has an undiagnosed disability or, conversely, that their child does not have a disability an IEE may be requested. LMH completes IEE's that are reliable and provides recommendations that  are in alignment with the students needs. 

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